✨💚✨If you would like to join our monthly club, go to- www.Patreon.com/Unbreakable. Info- We have a new monthly subscription now and it accepts debit/credit cards. Might be a good way to stay in stock so you don’t have to place an order every month and can be customized. Sizes are listed in grams. Version 56 means 2oz, version 1000 means a kilo, etc. Prices start at $15 including shipping. Can cancel, upgrade or downgrade anytime. Can also order on one or both sites as this is different from the UniKorn Candy site. Link- https://www.patreon.com/Unbreakable✨🍭✨Code UNIKORN for 5% off for seniors, veterans, people with disabilities or financial difficulties. We only ship to legal states. $5 refund fee if ordered from an illegal state. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All Rights Reserved.
It’s been a loooong week and I never got to thank Christina for my order of the 1/2 kilo split. I got Twisted Red, Green Jong Kong, Pink Sunrise, Bunny Hops and Unbreakable Rainbow.
Twisted Red is amazing for pain! 9/10 for me 5/10 for mood and 5/10 for energy. It’s not a sleepy red for me which is great. I can take it and still take care of the kids.
Bunny Hops is excellent for mood and energy 8/10 for both. I took this one most of the week late morning, having all the kids home from school and trying to navigate.
And as always, GJK, Pink Sunrise, and Unbreakable Rainbow didn’t disappoint 🌈